A Very Merry Budget Friendly Christmas

We are now in one of the biggest shopping holiday seasons in the U.S. Even those people who do not celebrate this time of year still take advantage of the sales and discounts being offered. It’s pretty easy to get sucked into the advertising and end up spending a lot more than you budgeted for.Continue reading “A Very Merry Budget Friendly Christmas”

Biggest Holiday Shopping Mistakes

Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are the most active shopping seasons in the U.S. In fact, the National Retail Federation predicts that shoppers will spend between $843.4 billion and $859 billion in just November and December this year. Retail companies want to cash in as much of this as they can. They are increasing online andContinue reading “Biggest Holiday Shopping Mistakes”

Best Frugal Tips To Save On Christmas Shopping

Happy holidays friends! Christmas season is one of my favorite times of the year because I get to reconnect with family and friends. And of course exchange gifts! This season, there’s more pressure than others, because it’s the first time in over a year since we will be able to comfortably get together. There’s pressureContinue reading “Best Frugal Tips To Save On Christmas Shopping”

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