Can Money Really Buy Happiness?

‘Money can’t buy happiness’ is a phrase that most people are familiar with. I for one grew up with it being repeated to me every time an adult thought I was being too ambitious or too greedy. From my own experience however, my satisfaction with my life and my emotional wellbeing has improved significantly sinceContinue reading “Can Money Really Buy Happiness?”

Secure Your Hard Earned Money

In 2018 people lost $1.4 billion, yes billion with a B, to scamming. As the advent of crafty technology, increases so will this number keeps increasing year after year. This is why you need to take measures to secure your bank account. A dear friend of mine called me this week and told me sheContinue reading “Secure Your Hard Earned Money”

Yes, You Need An Emergency Fund!

Wherever you are in your journey to financial wellness you should know the importance of an emergency fund. As stated in my previous post, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of having an adequate amount of money set aside for emergencies. While you know that you should have one, the tricky part is determiningContinue reading “Yes, You Need An Emergency Fund!”

Let’s Talk Inflation

If you went to business school, work in financial services or just take an interest in economics, you have heard the term ‘inflation’ before. If you haven’t, don’t worry, by the end of this post you will be well versed in the course Inflation 101.  We’ll start by answering the question, what is inflation? InflationContinue reading “Let’s Talk Inflation”

Three Lessons From GameStop (GME)

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past two months you have heard, seen, or read about the GameStop stock (GME) saga. For those of you unfamiliar with the situation, I’ll give you a quick rundown. GameStop is a multichannel video game, consumer electronics and collectibles retailer. They sell new and usedContinue reading “Three Lessons From GameStop (GME)”

Love Triangle: COVID, Me & My Finances

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every American to some degree. For a select few the effect has been good, but for most people it has not been. There are many lessons to be learned from this pandemic that has forever changed the way I handle my money. Though you may not share my experience, manyContinue reading “Love Triangle: COVID, Me & My Finances”

Money and Negative Feelings Series 3 of 3: Take Action

Understanding how your emotions affect your financial decisions is very important. If you want to know more about my thoughts on this, please read my previous posts. In this post I will share with you how I took action and started my personal budget. Managing Your Personal Budget A personal budget is the best wayContinue reading “Money and Negative Feelings Series 3 of 3: Take Action”

Money and Negative Feelings Series 2 of 3: Acknowledgement & Acceptance

Not everyone has a healthy relationship with or emotions toward money. Some struggle and, for them, emotions and money can be a strange combination. If you find yourself in this situation, you may find my first article very helpful in understanding how your emotions affect your financial wellness journey. Now, let’s delve deeper into whatContinue reading “Money and Negative Feelings Series 2 of 3: Acknowledgement & Acceptance”

Money and Negative Feelings Series 1 of 3: Where to Start

Like in many families below middle class, the topic of money was a taboo subject in my household growing up. I grew up in the church and Sunday after Sunday we would be told “money is the root of all evil” and “greed is one of the seven deadly sins”. My background in church andContinue reading “Money and Negative Feelings Series 1 of 3: Where to Start”

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